30 dic 2010

Scream 4 Fan trailer: Sensacional/Sensational

JovenSpider ha preparado un excelente fan trailer de Scream 4. El resultado es impresionante. No os lo perdáis.
JovenSpider has prepared an excellent fan trailer for Scream 4. The result is impressive. Do not miss it.

27 dic 2010

Documentales de Scream/Scream Documentary Films (Actualizado/Updated)

Estamos trabajando en la sección de documentales de Scream. Poco a poco iremos añadiendo datos de Behind The Scream, Still Screaming y Scream: The Inside Story. No os lo perdais. Ya podeis visitar el pequeño espacio dedicado a Behind The Scream. Seguiremos ampliándolo.

 Actualización: Las secciones de Still Screaming y Scream: The Inside Story ya están disponibles. Seguiremos ampliándolas.

We are working on the Scream documentary section. Gradually we will add data from Behind The Scream, Still Screaming & Scream: The Inside Story. Do not miss it. Now you can visit the small space dedicated to Behind The Scream. Soon will continue to spand it. 

 Update: Still Screaming and Scream: The Inside Story sections are now available. Will continue to expand it.

26 dic 2010

Star Waggons!

Dewey Riley, el "supuesto" asesor técnico de Stab 3 tiene su propio trailer Star Waggons. Martha Meeks se introduce en él y espera encontrarle. Cuando Dewey, Sidney y Gale llegan al estudio desde la comisaría de policía... Martha sale del trailer para saludarles. Los cuatro ven el video de Randy en el trailer de Dewey. Apenas se aprecia, pero hay una pegatina con su nombre: Dewey Riley

Dewey Riley, the "alleged" Stab 3 technical advisor has his own Star Waggons trailer. Martha Meeks gets into it and hopes to find him. When Dewey, Sidney and Gale come to the movie studio from the police station ... Martha leaves the trailer to say "hello". The four watch the Randy´s video in the Dewey´s trailer. Barely noticeable, but there is a sticker with his name: Dewey Riley.

22 dic 2010

Neca Toys: Ghostface

Con motivo del 14 aniversario de Scream, la empresa Neca Toys ha facilitado una imagen de la figura de Ghostface que ellos están preparando. Saldrá a la venta paralelamente al estreno de la película, y al parecer ésta imagen pertenece a un prototipo. Dicen que todavía no está terminada.

To mark the 14th Scream anniversary, the company Neca Toys has provided a picture of the figure of Ghostface they are preparing. It goes on sale alongside the premiere of the film, and apparently it belongs to a prototype image. They say that is not yet complete.

20 dic 2010

Wide Pictures + Scream 4 = Mayo/May 2011

Es oficial: Mayo de 2011. Wide Pictures distriburiá Scream 4 en España, no Aurum.  Parece que Wide Pictures será la distribuidora que se haga cargo de Scream 4 en España. En breve, comenzará la promoción en España.

Recordemos que de la distribución de Scream, Scream 2 y Scream 3 se encargó Lauren Films. Scream fue estrenada 4 meses despues de su estreno en USA (Abril, 1997), Scream 2 también 4 meses despues (Abril, 1998), y Scream 3 sólo dos meses despues (Abril, 2000)

It's official: May, 2011. Wide Pictures will be the Scream 4 distributor, not Aurum. It appears that Wide Pictures will be the distributor to take charge of Scream 4 in Spain. In short, the promotion will start in Spain.

Remember that the distribution of Scream, Scream 2 and Scream 3 was responsible Lauren Films. Scream was released four months after its release in USA (April 1997), Scream 2 also 4 months later (April 1998) and Scream 3 only two months later (April 2000).

Scream: 14º Aniversario/Scream: 14th Anniversary

Scream: 14º Aniversario!
Hoy, día 20 de diciembre de 2010, se cumple el décimo cuarto aniversario del estreno de Scream (1996) en 1413  salas de cine de USA (en España el estreno fue el 10 de abril de 1997). La recaudación de ese fin de semana fue de 6,354.586 millones de dólares y alcanzó el puesto número 6 en la taquilla. El día 18 de diciembre se celebró la premiere en Los Ángeles. Ceremonia a la que también asistieron Patrick Dempsey (el futuro detective Kincaid) y los actores de la serie Friends.

Scream: 14th Anniversary!
Today, December 20th, 2010,  marks the fourteenth anniversary of Scream (1996) release in 1413 USA cinemas (in Spain, the premiere was on April 10th, 1997). In this weekend grossed 6,354.586 million dollars and reached number 6 in the box office. December 18th, the premiere was held in Los Angeles. Ceremony was also attended by Patrick Dempsey (later Detective Kincaid) and actors from Friends tv series.

19 dic 2010

El silencio de Kristen Bell/Kristen Bell´s silence

Kristen Bell ha sido entrevistada por Manny The Movie Guy (por el estreno de Burlesque) y en HelloSidney.com puedes encontrar el video donde se le pregunta por Scream 4. No ha dicho ni una sola palabra.

Kristen Bell has been interviewed by Manny The Movie Guy (for the release of Burlesque) and on HelloSidney.com you can find the video where she is asked about Scream 4. She has not said a word.

18 dic 2010

Roger L. Jackson

Roger L. Jackson, la voz de Ghostface, lleva trabajando en el campo de los videojuegos desde 1990. Ha participado en diversos  videojuegos de franquicias como Monkey Island, Star Wars, Prince of Persia, Los Sims, Star Trek, Spiderman, Regreso al futuro...

A pesar de ello, es díficil imaginarse su cara. En el documental E! True Hollywood Story: Scream, no pudimos ver su rostro.

Roger L. Jackson, Ghostface's voice, has been working in the field of video games since 1990. He has participated in several video games franchises such as Monkey Island, Star Wars, Prince of Persia, The Sims, Star Trek, Spiderman, Back to the future ...

However, it is hard to imagine his face. In the documentary E! True Hollywood Story: Scream, we could not see it.

Image taken from the dvd extras of Powerpuff Girls Film (2002). Roger L. Jackson plays Mojo Jojo.
Imagen tomada de los extras del dvd de Las Supernenas: La Pelicula (2002). Roger L. Jackson interpreta a Mojo Jojo.

Otra foto de Roger L. Jackson que todos conocemos.
Another photo of Roger L. Jackson we all know.

17 dic 2010

Scream 4 planeada para 2002/Scream 4 planned for 2002

 Curioseando en imdb.com hemos encontrado una noticia antigua de Scream 4. En concreto de junio del año 2000 (4 meses despues del estreno de Scream 3), y contiene algunas declaraciones del director Wes Craven.

Snooping on imdb.com we found an old Scream 4 news. Specifcally June 2000 (four mouths after the release of Scream 3) and contains certain statements of director Wes Craven.

Another SCREAM movie is to be made - but creator and director Wes Craven has rejected an offer to work on the project. The director insisted there would be no more Scream movies after the third came out last year - saying that a fourth instalment would not work as the format would not support it. But DIMENSION FILMS is determined to make number four - although Craven, who is credited with the films' success, will not be involved. Craven says, "Dimension Films contacted me and asked if I would be interested in directing Scream 4. I declined. They have a screenwriter attached to the project and they're trying for a 2002 release." It is also unclear whether Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox ARQUETTE and David Arquette will return to their roles - all have said in recent interviews they thought the series of movies should be confined to a trilogy. » (WENN) 1 June 2000

Miramax & Lauren Films

Scream 4 será la primera película de Scream que no lucirá el sello Miramax. Aunque fueron los hermanos Weinstein quienes fundaron la compañía en 1979, y la dedicaron a películas independientes, en 1993 fue comprada por la productora Disney por 70 millones de doláres. En 2005 las malas relaciones entre Eisner (Presidente de Disney) y los hermanos Weinstein provocaron el divorcio. Disney se quedó con el nombre Miramax y con todo el catálogo de Dimension Films. Bob y Harvey crearon una nueva empresa llamada The Weinstein Company y conservaron la división Dimension Films (aunque sin acceso a los títulos). Poco despues intentaron comprar el "nombre" Miramax pero les fue imposible debido a la gran suma de dinero que Disney pedía. Por eso hasta ahora... Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3, Halloween H20, The Faculty... siempre han sido reeditadas solo por Buenavista.

Por otro lado, en España, existe otro divorcio: Lauren Films-Miramax. Lauren Films distribuyó durante años todos los títulos Miramax y todo el catálogo de terror de Dimension Films: Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3, The Faculty, Halloween 6, Halloween H20, Halloweeen Resurrection, Secuestrando a la Srta. Tingle, Mimic, Mimic 2, Phantoms...

Desde 2003 las relaciones están rotas y han sido la misma Buena Vista o la misma Miramax quienes se han encargado de la distribución en cines y dvd: Kill Bill 1, Kill Bill 2, Planet Terror, Death Proof, Cursed... En 2007, con Halloween de Rob Zombie necesitaron el apoyo de Fox y Halloween II (Rob Zombie) aún no se ha estrenado en España. Por si fuera poco, aproximadamente hace 3 años, Miramax denunció a Lauren Films por seguir distribuyendo sus títulos sin su consentimiento. Meses despues la propia Buena vista editaba en dvd, de nuevo, el catálogo de Dimension Films y Miramax.

¿Qué ocurrirá en España? No sólo el proceso de doblaje puede retrasar el estreno en nuestro país, también la ausencia de una distribuidora que colabore con The Weinstein Company para distribuirla. De momento, Scream 4 sigue sin distribuidora y la campaña publicitaria no ha comenzado.

Scream 4 is the first Scream movie that will not look the Miramax label. Although the Weinstein brothers  founded the company in 1979, and dedicated to independent films, in 1993 was bought by the Disney Company by the amount of 70 million dollars. In 2005 the poor relations between Eisner (Chairman of Disney) and the Weinstein brothers caused the divorce. Disney took the Miramax name and the full range of Dimension Films. Bob and Harvey created a new company called The Weinstein Company and retained the Dimension Films division (albeit without access to titles). Shortly after they tried to buy the "name" Miramax but it was impossible because of the large sum of money that Disney asked. So far... Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3, Halloween H20, The Faculty ... have always been re-edited only for Buenavista.

On the other hand, in Spain, another divorce: Lauren Films-Miramax. Lauren Films distributed for years all Miramax titles and the whole Dimension Films catalog of terror: Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3, The Faculty, Halloween 6, Halloween H20, Halloweeen, Resurrection,  Teaching Miss Tingle, Mimic, Mimic 2, Phantoms...

Since 2003 relations have been broken and Buena Vista or the same Miramax have taken charge of the distribution in cinemas and on DVD: Kill Bill 1, Kill Bill 2, Planet Terror, Death Proof, Cursed ... In 2007, Rob Zombie's Halloween needed the support of Fox in spanish distribution and Halloween II (Rob Zombie) has not yet been released in Spain. To make matters worse, about 3 years ago, Lauren was reported by  Miramax Films because spanish company distributed the catalog without the consent. Months after Buena Vista released on DVD, again, the list of Dimension Films and Miramax.

What will happen in Spain? Not only the dubbing process can delay the release in our country, also the absence of a distributor to work with The Weinstein Company for distribution. For now, Scream 4 is without a distributor and advertising campaign has not begun.

16 dic 2010

Fiebre Scream 4!/Scream 4 Fever!

La campaña publicitaria de Scream 4 está apareciendo poco a poco en todos los países, en su prensa especializada en cine. Ahora, gracias a ArvinJaz, sabemos que también en los periódicos suecos. La fiebre de Scream 4 ha comenzado. En España Scream 4 sigue sin tener distribuidora, ni fecha de estreno oficial.

Muchas gracias, ArvinJaz.

Advertising campaing for Scream 4 is emerging gradually in all countries, in press film. Now, thanks to ArvinJaz, we know that even in Swedish newspapers. Scream 4 fever has begun.  In Spain, Scream 4 still has no distributor, no official release date.

Thank you very much, ArvinJaz.

Frissons 4 Trailer

Alliance Vivafilm, la distribuidora de Scream 4 en Canadá, está haciendo público el trailer doblado en francés. El usuario de youtube Movieval lo ha compartido a través de su cuenta.

Alliance Vivafilm, the distributor of Scream 4 in Canada, is making public the trailer dubbed in French. Movieval youtube user has shared across his account.

15 dic 2010

Scream 4 en Cinemanía/Scream 4 in Cinemanía

Cinemanía, una de las revistas de cine más importantes de España, ha publicado en su número de diciembre una de las foto fija facilitadas por el estudio. La fotografía ocupa dos páginas completas y está acompañada del siguiente artículo:

Gritos versión 2.0
Wes Craven une viejas y nuevas víctimas en ésta cuarta entrega.

 Han pasado 10 años desde la útlima vez que el asesino Cara de Fantasma les hizo gritar y hoy, con internet y el video como nuevas armas, les vuelve a unir. Según Wes Craven, el mítico creador de la saga, "se trata de hacer un repaso a la útlima decada de terror y reirse de él". A Neve Campbell, David Arquette y Courteney Cox se les une una nueva generación de adolescentes, menos gallina, a priori, como Rory Culkin, Hayden Panettiere y Emma Roberts. Y otros, más maduritos, como Adam Brody (The O.C), Alison Brie (Mad Men) o Marley Shelton (Planet Terror). Kristen Bell (Verónica Mars) y Ana Paquin (True Blood) son el cameo estrella y con más papeletas para tener una muerta ridícula. I.C

DIRECTOR: Wes Craven
ACTORES: Courteney Cox, Davdi Arquette, Neve Campbell, Emma Roberts, Adam Brody.

Cinemania, one of the leading film magazines in Spain, has published in its December issue a still provided by the studio. The image occupies two full pages and is accompanied by the following article:

Screams Version 2.0
Wes Craven joins old and new victims in this fourth installment.

It's been 10 years since the last time the killer Ghost Face made them scream and today, with Internet and video as new weapons, rejoins them. According to Wes Craven, the legendary creator of the series, is to look back to the decade of terror and laugh about it". Neve Campbell, David Arquette and Courteney Cox are accompanied by a new generation of teenagers, less scared, a priori, as Rory Culkin, Emma Roberts and Hayden Panettiere. And other, older, like Adam Brody (The O.C), Alison Brie (Mad Men) and Marley Shelton (Planet Terror). Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars) and Anna Paquin (True Blood) are star cameo  for a  ridiculous death. I.C

DIRECTOR: Wes Craven
Actors: Courteney Cox, Davdi Arquette, Neve Campbell, Emma Roberts, Adam Brody.

Regreso a 1999/Back to 1999

Os mostramos  un antiguo artículo, del año 1999, escrito por Megan Anderson, la creadora de Scr3am.net. En él, la webmaster comenta algunos detalles del proceso de pre-producción de la tercera parte de Scream.

We show you an old article, from 1999, written by Megan Anderson, owner of Scr3am.net. In it, the webmaster said some details of  the third Scream pre-production.

"Today I received an email from a seemingly reliable source who provided me with some information and rumors that haven't been said before. Some of which are potential minor spoilers. This source (if telling the truth) has contacts close to the production, so we get a few peeks into some things that haven't been announced.

First off, he told me a bit about the Kruger/Williamson controversy. Apparently Kruger came in in the beginning of June to help lighten Kevin's work load. Kevin wrote the beginning and ending first, so Ehren only needed to write the middle portion of the film, which Kevin then made extensive rewrites of. He (Kevin) also insisted he be given writing credit when the movie is released.

This scooper really admires Kruger as a writer and says that the script is more funny than it is scary, however it's also more of a psychological thriller (which I hear Kruger is very good at).

The entire script has been seen by no one around the production, only bits and pieces. One scene in particular impressed this source which involves Sidney in a very dramatic scene. Word has it [that] might be cut, but that hasn't been decided yet. Personally, it sounds like a great scene and I hope it remains in the film. It is a minor spoiler, but the scene is said to have Sidney considering suicide. Kruger wrote an excellent speech for Sidney to give during this scene, where she contemplates what's real and what isn't, and how she feels she is just watching her life rather than living it.

Speaking of cut scenes, only one is said to have been cut due to the recent school shootings. A particular scene took place in a school, only with knives as opposed to guns. It is said to have been very disturbing and was in good taste that it was removed.

As we know, the killers in Scream 2 weren't revealed to even the cast members until the last few days of shooting. That is likely to happen again especially considering the killer(s) haven't been decided on yet.

The cast is allegedly almost in place, though who exactly the cast is is being kept quiet. One person mentioned is a name I haven't heard tied to this film before and that is Anne Heche. It is said she might be up for a part that is similar to Gale: possibly a reporter on the set of Gale's new movie (which, incidentally might not be Stab 2). Heche appeared in I Know What You Did... so it might not be completely unheard of for her to have a role in this one. A little more was said about Heche in particular being relevant to the role. It said her character would be killed in a similar fashion to her role in Psycho. Which is why they would want Anne in particular.

As far as the rest of the cast goes, don't expect as many TV stars as have been predicted, especially those of Dawson's Creek and Felicity. However, those of Buffy don't seem to have been ruled out yet.

Alicia Silverstone is apparently still being courted for a role, but she has made it clear to the studio that she will have no part in it.

The two other most popular names that have been linked to the film are Heather Graham and Ben Affleck. This source tells me they won’t have a major role in the film. Note the word "major." There is apparently room for plenty of celebrity cameos seeing as the setting is LA. In addition, it is said to be a bit of a satire on Hollywood itself.

Roger Jackson is indeed returning and he says he likes his part. It looks like he might have a stronger presence this time, in more ways than one.

And now for the most surprising piece of information from this email, he says that one scene has already been filmed. If that's true, it just goes to show exactly how tight production has been and will continue to be. Personally, I am very pleased to hear that. Hopefully they'll continue to be more successful with protecting this film than they were with Scream 2." Megan Anderson (Scr3am.net)

El film más esperado del año/The most anticipated film of next year

Entertainment Weekly ha creado una encuesta para descubrir cual es el film más esperado del próximo año 2011. Los candidatos son:

-Scream 4 
-Piratas del Caribe: En Tierras Extrañas
-Resacón en Las Vegas
-Green Latern
-Harry Potter y las Reliquías de la Muerte: Parte 2
-Amanecer: Parte 1 (Crepúsculo)  

Si quieres votar sólo tienes que hacer click sobre el siguiente link: PopWatch. Gracías a Ghostfacecouk por el aviso.

Entertainment Weekly is conducting a survey to find out what the most anticipated film of next year 2011. The candidates are:

-Scream 4
-Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
-The Hangover Part II
-Green Latern
-Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part II
-Breaking Dawn Part 1 (Twilight)

If you want to vote just click on the following link: PopWatch. Thanks to Ghostfacecouk

Scream abre camino/Scream opens the way

Neve Campbell llevaba algunos años alejada de la gran pantalla. Sus últimas películas habían recibido poco apoyo y pasaban desapercibidas, y The Philanthropist (TV serie) fue cancelada. De modo que imaginamos que eso es lo que la animó a firmar por Scream 4. Ahora no había peligro de verse encasillada. Suponemos que ha aceptado que no  hay nada malo en ser recordada como reina del grito. Mejor eso que ser olvidada.

Pues bien, tras toda la publicidad que ella ha conseguido con Scream 4, parece que las ofertas no se han hecho esperar. Se rumorea (o al menos eso comenta Hollywood Reporter) que está en negociaciones para participar en una película titulada "Singularity", en la que ella interpretaría a la mujer del personaje de Josh Hartnett.

Neve Campbell has been away for a few years from the big screen. Her latest films have received little support, and The Philanthropist (TV series) was canceled. So we imagine that is what encouraged her to sign for Scream 4. Now there was no danger of being typecast. We assume that she has accepted that there is nothing wrong with being remembered as a scream queen. Better that than be forgotten.

Well, after all the publicity she has gained with Scream 4, it appears that the offers have been expected. Rumor says (or so says Hollywood Reporter) that she is in negotiations to participate in a film called "Singularity", in which she would play the wife of Josh Hartnett's character.