6 nov 2010

Kevin Williamson: Nuevo Proyecto/New Project

Kevin Williamson tiene un nuevo proyecto. Al parecer ha firmado un contrato Warner Bros Television (con quien él trabajó en Dawson´s Creek). Mientras tanto continúa haciéndose cargo de The Vampire Diaries, para CW Television. Es posible que esto nos de una pista de la posibilidad de que Williamson no siga adelante con The Bedroom Window y Scream 5. Ya sabemos, de sobra, que cuando trabaja en varios proyectos a la vez... suele abandonar algunos de ellos. Ocurrió con Scream 3, con Dawson´s Creek... 

Kevin Williamson has a new project. Apparently he has signed for Warner Bros Television (with whom he worked on Dawson's Creek). Meanwhile he still took care of The Vampire Diaries, for CW Television. This may give us a clue to the possibility that Williamson did not go ahead with The Bedroom Window and Scream 5. We already know too well that when he works on several projects at once ... usually leave some of them. It happened with Scream 3, Dawson's Creek ...

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