9 oct 2010

¿Segunda Trilogía Scream?/2nd Scream Trilogy?

Tras las declaraciones de Wes Craven en diversas entrevistas y el silencio de Kevin Williamson... tenemos ciertas dudas acerca de la posibilidad de la segunda trilogia, de la que tanto hablaban Craven y Williamson en los meses de marzo, abril y mayo. No nos queda del todo claro si el proyecto seguirá adelante, cerrando esa nueva trilogía, o si Scream 4 conformará un cuadrilogía junto con las tres originales. Craven ha afirmado que se originó como una trilogía, y también en su momento afirmó que había sido contratado para dirigir las tres, pero ahora mismo no menciona entre sus próximos proyectos Scream 5. Hemos pensado, que tras ver las malas críticas que de momento está recibiendo My Soul To Take, sería muy posible que el director se refugiara en éstas dos próximas secuelas, ya que él podría tener ciertas dificultades a la hora de que le produzcan una nueva pelicula, escrita o dirigida por él, si los resultados de My Soul To Take no terminan de ser buenos. Eso sin olvidar que existe la posibilidad de que Williamson no quiera volver a saber nada de Dimension Films en el futuro.

Fragmento de la entrevista de Mtv:

"The studio wants to be very, very secretive about it. I think it's kind of known that Neve is returning to her hometown for a short visit, and all hell breaks loose. But there's also a whole cast of new characters -- there's some very, very interesting kids. It is or was a planned trilogy. I think the studio is realistic enough to say, let's see how it does. But Kevin Williamson [the series creator and screenwriter] does have an idea for a planned trilogy out of it."

After Wes Craven's statements in interviews and the silence of Kevin Williamson ... have some doubts about the possibility of the second trilogy, of which both Craven and Williamson spoke in the months of March, April and May. We are not entirely clear whether the project will go on, closing the new trilogy, or if Scream 4 settle for a quadrilogy with the original three. Craven said that it originated as a trilogy, and also at the time said he had been hired to run the three, but right now it does not mention among his upcoming projects Scream 5. We thought that after seeing the bad reviews that are currently receiving My Soul To Take It may well be that the director took refuge in these next two sequels, and he may have some difficulties that will produce a new film, written or directed by him, if the results of My Soul To Take still tend to be good. Not to forget that there is the possibility that Williamson did not want to return to hear about Dimension Films in the future.

Part of Mtv Interview:

"The studio wants to be very, very secretive about it. I think it's kind of known that Neve is returning to her hometown for a short visit, and all hell breaks loose. But there's also a whole cast of new characters -- there's some very, very interesting kids. It is or was a planned trilogy. I think the studio is realistic enough to say, let's see how it does. But Kevin Williamson [the series creator and screenwriter] does have an idea for a planned trilogy out of it."

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