30 sept 2010

Ni rastro de Scream 4/No sign of Scream 4

Kevin Williamson no solo ha borrado Scream 4 de su cuenta de twitter, también todas las fotos que él fue publicado durante el periodo de escritura del guión de Scream 4. Todas han desaparecido. Solo quedan 26 y todas hacen referencia a The Vampire Diaries. Parece que estamos ante un asunto bastante serio.

Kevin Williamson no just has erased Scream 4 from his twitter account, also all the pictures he was released during the period of writing for Scream 4 script. All gone. There are only 26 and all refer to The Vampire Diaries. It seems that this is a rather serious matter.

Algunos tweets de Kevin Williamson/Some tweets from Kevin Williamson:

@WilliamUnhock I'm writing it. S4 draft is due January 2. Tick. Tock. That's all I got.

Sorry Elena, gotta cancel our plans. Sidney and Gale have something to say. Gonna spend the evening with them. 2:47 AM Oct 14th, 2009 vía web

Gonna miss #vampirediaries tonight. Having dinner with WC. 10:40 PM Oct 15th, 2009 vía web

So great to see @wescraven and catch up. Fun and fun. And I'm writing away. viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009 22:18:58 vía web

What is this Scream 4 in 3D? First I heard of it. 3:56 AM Oct 24th, 2009 vía web

Lying in bed with my Sidney and Gale. It's getting heated. 6:24 AM Nov 7th, 2009 vía web

Sorry Mystic Falls, spending the night in Woodsboro. 7:57 AM Nov 8th, 2009 vía web

Planning my Thanksgiving S4 Vegas writing weekend. Where should I stay? Any suggestions? 4:56 PM Nov 12th, 2009 vía web

No Vampires in Vegas. It's all about S4 this weekend. 4:05 AM Nov 24th, 2009 vía web

Scream 4 all day. No distractions. Heaven. 6:37 PM Dec 5th, 2009 vía web

Scream Sunday. 6:33 PM Dec 6th, 2009 vía web

Boss man called today. Wanted to know exactly when he was getting S4. I said March. He said JAN 4. Oh the pressure! 12:39 AM Dec 17th, 2009 vía web

In hotel, got my coffee, come on Scream 4 -- let's do this thing. 1:15 AM Dec 26th, 2009 vía web

In Vegas writing about Woodsboro. 12:44 AM Dec 27th, 2009 vía web

I love my new droid. It does everything. It walked my dog, did a load of laundry -- it's now writing Scream 4. 3:47 AM Jan 14th vía web

The death scene that never ends. I've killed the same character three times this week. Writing is rewriting. 11:11 PM Jan 22nd vía web

I'm at dinner with an old friend from Woodsboro, 3:53 AM Jan 28th vía twidroid

Writing S4 while Dracula 2000 is on mute. If you pause it just right you can see Gerard Butler's_____? 4:47 AM Jan 31st vía web

Deadline looms. Not really. Deadline is behind me. Sneaking up. With a butcher knife. Screaming "You're late." 2:06 AM Feb 2nd vía web

@julieplec And how's Scream 4 coming? Are you almost done? 7:54 AM Feb 7th vía web en respuesta a julieplec

It's Saturday. I'm thinking a little Scream 4 is in order. 6:08 PM Apr 10th vía twidroid

I don't know where the Randy/S4 news came from. He's kinda dead. 9:01 AM Apr 18th vía web

After watching H2, I'm thinking Randy should show up on a white horse. 6:44 PM Apr 18th vía web

I'm working on #scream4 but I'm gonna take a break at 8 to watch #vampirediaries Two plugs, one tweet. 10:40 PM Apr 22nd vía web

#scream4 all night long. 7:22 AM May 8th vía web

Enough with the talky-talk. Kill scene on the horizon. I'll be so glad when this character is dead. 6:10 AM May 9th vía web

Writing #scream4 all night long. Got some Marco Beltrami playing. All's good. 6:52 AM May 14th vía web

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