20 ago 2010

Storyboard desvelado / Storyboard revealed!

Se ha desvelado una serie de storyboards de Scream 4. No podemos asegurar que sean auténticos pero fueron colgados en un blog particular de Daniel Auber y posteriormente portales como http://www.bleedingcool.com le  han dado más publicidad. Juzgad vosotros mismos, pero nosotros no hemos logrado reconocer ni descifrar ni una sola escena.

It has revealed a series of storyboards for Scream 4. We can not assure that they are authentic but were hung on a particular blog of Daniel Auber and later as http://www.bleedingcool.com portals have given more publicity. Judge for yourselves, but we have failed to recognize or decipher a single scene.

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